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I’m SO proud of my wonderful, clever little boy for weaning himself!

Posted by L K

A few months ago Zander started to only nurse at around 6 o’clock in the mornings when he woke, and again around lunchtime.
Just before he goes to sleep, right after his bath at around 8pm, he always gets a bottle of Simalac HD Formula instead of breast milk.

I noticed the past month that Zander didn’t nurse with as much enthusiasm as before and he started to want more solids like purity and yogurt or whatever we were eating. He also started to nurse only in the mornings when he woke, but only for a minute or so, skipping the lunchtime feeding.

Saturday morning I decided to skip breastfeeding when he wakes up, and to give him a bottle of formula to see if maybe he’d rather want that (He loves his bedtime bottle of formula). He refused the formula. Then I made him tea, which he also refused.

Apparently my big boy decided he is not a baby anymore and does not want to nurse anymore. Since Friday morning he didn’t nurse once and also didn’t indicate that he wants to. He lost interest in nursing completely!

Since Saturday he only drinks one bottle of formula right before bedtime and the rest of the day he eats purity, yogurt and whatever we’re having.

I miss the closeness of breastfeeding him, but I’m also very relieved that I won’t have to battle with weaning and that I no longer have to worry about what I’m eating or drinking.

I can finally start to try and diet to get rid of all this unwanted pregnancy weight!


  1. Karen du Toit said...

    Hi Lena, I'm glad that you are seeing it in such a positive light! I would have been very sad!

  2. L K said...

    I am sad about losing the intimacy I had with him when breastfeeding, and in a way it feels like he's becoming more independent which is scary. But there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll have to accept it and make the best of it. I've now realized that for a long time he probably didn't even drink anything when he nursed, as my breasts don't hurt at all since I stopped breastfeeding him.

  3. Yvonne said...

    It is funny - as I am readinI am thinking - o yippeee - you can eat chocolate again. Then I see - o no - you are talking about dieting. O yug! The chocolate sounds much nicer!!!
    I think you are having a wonderful attitude. I also loved breast feeding and was sad when it was done. But, then there are all the other nice stages to look forward to, things which make up for it, and make breat feeding one of those happy memories that you are glad you have.

  4. Tasneem said...

    I struggled to breastfeed with my first si im really enjoying it with no.2 so i completely relate. My engel is still very young so it will be a awhile before she weans but i hope i experience it the way you do. the sure do grow fast dont they!