Electronic Cigarette Store

Finally broke my non-smoking record!

Posted by L K

This is the third time that I've quitted smoking. The first time lasted 3 months, the second time 8 months, which means I've now officially broken my record. Yesterday was 8 months!

I've been smoking since I was 14. I smoked between 20 and 30 cigarettes per day for 17 years.

When you smoke you always find a way to defend the habit, but in retrospect I can now see what an ugly habit smoking is. It smells horrible, yellows your teeth, fingers and skin. It may cause cancer. It's expensive. In fact, there is only ONE positive thing I can remember about smoking - not gaining weight easily.

When I still smoked I refused to go to places where smoking was not allowed. Chris does not smoke and hated me smoking. I always used to tell him that when he met me I was smoking, so he has no right to complain. I think smokers are the most selfish people on earth. And I talk from experience. I nearly lost my baby because of my smoking...

I smoked for 8 months during my pregnancy. The doctor warned me that I shouldn't smoke, but what did he know???? I was confident that everyone was just trying to get me to quit smoking and that was why people have made up all the stories about smoking being bad for my baby etc. (Smoker mentality)

Then, on 18 March 09, 36 weeks into my pregnancy I went for a scan. The gynaecologist looked concerned and mentioned that should anything bad happen I should go back to him immediately and that I should go see him in two days' time again anyway as he thinks he's going to have to do the caesarean earlier than planned. He didn't really explain that something was wrong, and we didn't question him.

From the gynaecologist Chris and I went to pick up some pregnancy pyjamas I ordered. I've decided that I'll pack my hospital bag that night. While I was waiting for the lady to ring up the amount I owed for my pyjamas it felt like I peed my pants. I told Chris I'm just quickly going to the loo, as I didn't want to upset him when I myself didn't know what was happening. When I got to the ladies room, I looked and I was soaked in blood. I nearly fainted from shock.

Chris rushed me to the gynaecologist (situated at the hospital). Gynaecologist said I should go to the labour ward and he said he's going to book me in for observation. When I arrived there the sister told me that I'm not being booked in for observation anymore, but that my gynaecologist has called and told them to prep me for an emergency caesarean!

My placenta has torn loose and there was no time to waste as that meant that Zander was bleeding. Chris nearly missed his sons' birth! When Zander was born his heartbeat was a mere 39. It was supposed to be at least 160. He spent his first night in ICU. It was a nightmare for me, as I didn't even know what my son looked like. He was only shown to me for a second and then they rushed off with him to ICU. I only saw him again the next morning when they took me to visit him. It broke my heart to see him like that. He was so small and helpless. He only weighed 2.46 Kg when born and lost more weight in hospital.

Fortunately for us he was a real fighter! He only spent the one night in ICU, the next day with me in my hospital room, and the morning after that we were both discharged! He's our miracle baby!

To get back to the subject.... we nearly lost Zander due to Placental abruption, and yes, smoking is a major cause. You can read more about that here:

On 19 February 2009 I decided I am not going to buy cigarettes again. (A month before Zander’s birth)

And I didn't.  (Though it was too late to prevent placental abruption.)

I did have some help quitting though. I ordered an electronic cigarette from the Internet, called a Twisp. They delivered within two days and it was definitely worth the money. I don't even use my Twisp now anymore.

I am determined not to become a smoker again. I do not want my child to smoke one day because I did. I want to set an example and break the habit that came from many generations in my family.

My child deserves to grow up in a healthy, clean environment. He cannot choose for himself yet, it is my responsibility to protect him - and I will!


  1. Karen du Toit said...

    Good for you!

  2. Yvonne said...

    Wow - you are amazing. Stick to it - you are doing the right thing.